Validation and Analysis of Protein Tertiary Structures

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An analysis or assessment job handed over to the VAProTS-webserver can contain up to 30 pdb files at once. The user can further adjust his input by pressing the small plus button next to the Upload button. Using these options the user can choose whether he uploaded a theoretical or an experimental structure, whether all, only the first or a specific protein chain, whether all, the best (as given in the pdb file) or only the first model of an ensemble should be evaluated. Furthermore different output options can be selected or deselected to enable the user to get exact the results he or she desires.


The user can choose which routine (VAProTS - Assignment, VAProTS - Analysis or VAProTS - Assessment) should be exexuted. Each routine allows further adjustments, which enable the user to analyze/assess his protein structures according to his or her preferences. For a more detailed description of the different routines please refer to the documentation.


All results pages, independent from the chosen options, are structured in the same way, consisting of four major parts. Part one is the submission bar, where keys or e-mail adresses are entered to assess specific results. Second the download bar, where all produced outputs for the current submission can be downloaded as tar.gz archive. Below these two bars lies a table with two columns, containing a summary on the left and the single model overview on the right.


The VAProTS-webserver produces a large variety of different outputs, depending on the chosen assessement or analysis options. All modules generate per default summaries as txt and csv file, as well as a sequence logo as txt file. Furthermore detailed results can be produced as csv and txt files as well as graphical outputs as PDF files. For detailed information concerning the different outputs please refer to the documentation.

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